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해외에서 언론사의 가짜뉴스의 댓가는 3,000억원 정도.


“징역 10년, 벌금 8억” 싱가포르 ‘가짜 뉴스’ 처벌 법안 통과




The Washington Post sued by family of Covington Catholic teenager

By Paul Farhi

Feb. 20, 2019 at 11:25 p.m. GMT+9

The family of the Kentucky teen who was involved in an encounter with a Native American advocate at the Lincoln Memorial last month filed a defamation lawsuit against The Washington Post on Tuesday, seeking $250 million in damages for its coverage of the incident.







“징역 10년, 벌금 8억” 싱가포르 ‘가짜 뉴스’ 처벌 법안 통과

입력2019.05.09. 오전 10:11





Posted by 자연&과학